I Keep six honest serving me
(They Taught me all i know):
Their names are What and Who and When
And How and Where are Who.
We must equip ourselves to deal with different kinds of worries by learning the three basic steps of problem analysis.The three steps are-
- Get the facts.
- Analyze the facts.
- Arrive at the decision-and then act on that decision.
Lets take the first rule :
Get the facts-why is it so important to get the facts?Because unless we have the facts we can't possibly even attempt to solve our problem intelligently Without the facts,all we can do is stew around in confusion.
"Confusion is a chief cause of worry"
Half the worry in the world is caused by people trying to make decisions before they have sufficient knowledge on which to base a decision.
Let me explain you with the example-If i have a problem which has to be faced at three o'clock next Tuesday arrives.In the mean time,i concentrate on getting all the facts that bear on the problem,i don't agonize over my problem.i don't lose any sleep.i simply concentrate on getting the facts. And by the time Tuesday rolls around,if i've got all the facts the proble usually solves itself.
"If a man will devote his time to securing
facts in an impartial,objective way,his worry
will usually evaporate in the light of Knowledge"
For years,whenever i was worried i had always gone to write down two questions-and the answers to these questions :
- What am i worrying about ?
- What can i do about it ?
"I find that to keep thinking about our problems beyond a certain point is bound to create confusion and worry. There comes a time when any more investigation and thinking are harmful.There comes a time when we must decide and act and never look back."
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