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Showing posts from July, 2018

Most Important Skill in Business

Many people often asked me how to become successful and the only advice i told them is start making your skill perfect. Skill is the utmost talent a person can develop and this will ultimately convert you into a successful person.But,In Business the most important skill is the ability to sell anything.If you cannot sell, you cannot become successful in Business.In Today's world everything is Business whether it a car,cloth,house etc.Everything which you own today is sold by someone to you because that person knows how to sell.So,if you wanted to become successful you first have to develop your most important skills and that is SELLING. "The ability to sell is the number one skill in Business"   The best salesperson are the best leaders.Look at Mr. Narendra Modi,Prime Minister of India.He was one of the greatest speaker i ever heard.When he spoke,people were inspired.That is because he had the power to speak to people's spirits. If you want to Buy You

How to analize and Solve Worry

I Keep six honest serving me  (They Taught me all i know):  Their names are What and Who    and When And How and Where are Who.                                                    -RUDYARD KIPLING   We must equip ourselves to deal with different kinds of worries by learning the three basic steps of problem analysis.The three steps are- Get the facts. Analyze the facts. Arrive at the decision-and then act on that decision. Aristotle  taught it-and used it.And you and i must use it too if we are going to solve the problem that are harassing us and turning our days and night into veritable hells. Lets take the first rule : Get the facts- why is it so important to get the facts?Because unless we have the facts we can't possibly even attempt to solve our problem intelligently Without the facts,all we can do is stew around in confusion. "Confusion is a chief cause of worry" Half the worry in the world is caused by people t

Rich Vs Poor ? Whom to Follow

One of the most controversial chapters in  Brian Tracy ’s book,  Get Smart! , is “Rich Thinking versus Poor Thinking.” YOU DECIDE YOUR OWN FUTURE In that chapter, he shares a series of simple ideas you can learn and apply. While I fundamentally disagree with much of the gross over-simplification, there are veins of excellence that we can use to add to our mental toolkit. (Pause for a second before we continue. Just to be clear, this isn’t an article about going from zero to a million in a lifetime. No clickbait here. No, this article is about giving you tools you can add to your mental toolbox.) The Role of Mindset Best-selling author Og Mandino says: There are no secrets of success. There are simply timeless truths and universal principles that have been discovered and rediscovered throughout human history. All you have to do is to learn and practice them to enjoy all the success that you could desire. Sounds a lot like  what we’re trying to discover . Fearing

What makes the rich,Rich ?

"If you want to be rich,you need to be a business owner and an investor" Why Thomas Edison was Rich and Famous? Many people know that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and that invention made him rich,but that's not true. Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb...but he did perfect it. There were other light bulbs invented before his light bulb,but the problem was they were not practical. The early bulb did not burn long enough.Also,the other inventors could not explain how the light bulb could have any commercial value. Thomas Edison invented the first useful light bulb and he also knew how to turn the bulb into business.And it was his business sense that made se many of his inventions so useful to millions of people.Thomas Edison was more than an inventor. So,how he developed his business skills? Thomas Edison dropped out of school because his teachers thought he was not smart enough to succeed in school.He then took a job selling candies and

How to stop worrying and Start Living

Before Starting this post ,i would like to ask you- Are you finding it hard to live the life you want? If so, then why? It’s your life, and you are the one in control, but why can’t you still drive it the way you want? Maybe you are under certain circumstances that are preventing you from doing so. You might be thinking to live the life you want, but only once all these problems come to an end? But you know what? You are making a big mistake if you think so; life won’t let you settle without problems till you die. Every day comes with a new set of challenges, no matter what your age is, or what your business is! You will face problems at every point. "EVERYDAY IS A NEW LIFE TO A WISE MAN" Worry is nothing its just a state of mind which will prevent you from taking actions. So,the first thing you should know about worry is that if you want to keep it out of your life,follow this steps- Analize the situation fearlessly and figured out what was the worst